Monday, December 29, 2008

Jesus, Mary, and Doofus

Here is one last piece of Christmas joy for you, before we let the season go.

My daughter, who is a year and a half, learned about many things this year. She learned about the Christmas tree (or 'tee'), lights, snowmen ('sow-mea'), Santa, and of course the Holy Family. She can now identify Jesus, Mary (who is sometimes called 'mommy') and, of course, Joseph (pronounced just like 'doofus'). So all Christmas season we heard about Jesus, Mary, and Doofus.

I have tried to convince myself that she doesn't identify her daddy with Doofus, but when I saw pictures of myself from Christmas I realize that her use of 'doofus' was probably intentional. If you have seen the pictures of my 'monk hair,' you know what I mean.

Here's hoping you had a merry Christmas, and I wish you a happy New Year!

1 comment:

FLBelle said...

I love you Doofus, I mean, Andy. ;)